Acu with Ashleigh


Acupuncture is a natural way to balance Qi, which is your vital life force energy. It helps to create harmony between organ systems in the body. Acupuncture
is great for pain, digestion issues, fertility, women's health, sleep trouble, stress, anxiety, headache, TMJ, addiction, PTSD, problematic skin, pre surgery preparation and post surgery recovery.

Ashleigh Worley is a Registered Traditional Chinese Acupuncturist who studied at Eight Branches Academy of Eastern Medicine.  She has been practicing this mind, body, spirit medicine since 2019. Her passion is helping others, namely in the world of fertility, to support men and women with the complications they can face when trying to conceive. Her driving force is the cosmetic benefits acupuncture has on the skin and she helps people in all areas such as collagen boosting, acne, rosacea, psoriasis eczema, scarring from acne, c-section scars, breast reduction and breast implant scars. Last but not least an area that is very near and dear to her heart is helping others that struggle with addiction and overcoming trauma. Ashleigh has taken specific training courses to guide all areas of passion for this work. Through serving others, her purpose is to help you find inner balance.

By bringing an intention of healing to everyone with whom she shares this medicine with, she illuminates how everyone has the capacity to transform. Over the years, Ashleigh’s strengths garnered some recognition by achieving Diamond Winner for the Readers’ Choice award 2020 for best acupuncturist. Ashleigh may spend her days between multiple clinics and home visits but it is the beauty of the energy exchange that gets her up every day.

When Ashleigh is not being of service to others she loves spending time with her dog, hiking and kayaking.

Ashleigh Worley is a Registered Traditional Chinese Acupuncturist who studied at Eight Branches A... Read More

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